Monday, 20 January 2014

TAG | The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger

Well I haven't done a TAG post in a very long while. So I thought I would just type it into Google. I would like to say this TAG was created by - The Beau Bow
1.  Name a beauty regime that you rarely do?
I have to admit I have never done my eyebrows of course I pluck them but I have never filled them in because I just have no idea what colour my eyebrows are and what shape they even should be. I pretty much fail at this ha-ha.
2.  Is washing your make-up brushes something that you do regularly?
I have started to do it regularly, I don't use many makeup brushes because I don't wear foundation as often as every day I use it once a week if I feel like it. But I have started to do my eye brushes as they are always full of different eyeshadow colours
3.  How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
Erm depends how bad the chip is as I can be pretty lazy with that. But I will take the polish off after a week of having the nail polish on.
4.  How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it?
I don't know, if I really like that product I might go and get another one because I really like it. But I usually keep it the amount of smashed up blushers I have and I ended up just depotting it. I hate things like that because it really bugs me so I just decide to keep them.
5.  What is your worst beauty habit? 
I'm not really sure if this isn't one but I never moisturise I am the worst at remembering to do it especially at night I am pretty lazy when it comes to skincare. I have got to admit my skin is quite bad at the moment "GROSSS"
6.  Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
I can never be bothered to tidy up by room it just gets so messy because there is literally so much stuff everywhere which is all over the floor and everything.
7.  When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute?
No I usually have to be ready quite early I don't know why as I am always early for literally everything so I will get ready so early compared to what you would call normally ha-ha!
8.  Can you commit to spending bans?
Hmm well I have never put myself on one but currently I am stopping myself from buying nail polishes at the moment. I have to admit it only started a few weeks ago.
9.  How organised is your make-up and nail polish collections?
My makeup is all over the place in makeup bags and stuff hopefully I can get more storage but at the moment I don't have enough room. I have my makeup brushes in a pot which I will defiantly take some pictures of soon for a post. But my nail polish is all set nicely in my boxes. I will do a blog post on them soon because well I love it if I do say so myself.

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