Sunday, 30 November 2014

Nail Art | Animal Nails

As I have been getting into my nail art, I have decided to do my nail art for animals. So I want to show you all about the animals that I have done this week.

Here is my animal nail art, when I did the Halloween one I stated that I used some of my own designs and then I looked at ones which were from YouTube or Google where I found the designs.
Left To Right - starting from the top:
Dinosaur, bear, sheep, bee, panda, paw prints, pig, cow, giraffe, ladybird, zebra, cow prints, rabbit, birds, chick, cat, owl and dog

Friday, 28 November 2014

Wishlist #107

This is wishlist time, sorry for slacking with my posts I have been slightly busy. But I have got lots of posts lined up.

Products Mentioned:
1. ELF - Jumbo Lipstick - Flirty & Girly - £2.95
2. No7 - Nail Polish - Oyster - £6.00
3, No7 - Moisture Drench Lipstick - Cranberry - £9.95
4. No7 - Natural Blush Cream - Maple Silk - £8.00
5, Smashbox - Eyeshadow Palette - Blue Eye - ?
Why I Want These Products?
1. ELF - Jumbo Lipstick - Flirty & Girly - This looks beautiful, I just love this lipstick. I already have one of these and its a really pretty shade. Its such a simple packaging and its always easy to find it when you look in your bag.
2. No7 - Nail Polish - Oyster - This is such a gorgeous polish, I just love this colour. It is so pretty and I do like No7 nail polishes as they have such a huge range of shades which is always good to use.
3. No7 - Moisture Drench Lipstick - Cranberry - This probably is the usual lipstick shade that I would go for because it looks perfect with my skin and its really pretty. I have only tried nail polishes from No7, but the lipsticks look really good.
4  No7 - Natural Blush Cream - Maple Silk - This is such a gorgeous shade and this is a cream blush which I am not really used too. But I think that its really good and I like that No7 have such a huge range of items.
5. Smashbox - Eyeshadow Palette - Blue Eyes - I don't even think that this is sold anymore sadly, so I probably don't think I can get this. But I have to admit that it looks very pretty. I haven't seen anything from Smashbox so I don't really know what anything is or even looks like.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

NOTD | Grey Hearts

Here is my NOTD, before you say this is slightly messy which I am disappointed about but I don't think I really care either.

As the base coat I have used Rimmel - Little Bo Peep which is a gorgeous grey shade. But on the nails it doesn't look like the grey shade but its beautiful. I really like Rimmel polishes because they are just so creamy and have got an amazing colour range. Then for the hearts and I realise that they may be pretty messy and not painted very well. But I did this free hand and with just a piece of paper which I cut out with a heart cutter. I used Essie Angora Cardi which is up there with my favourite colours.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Review | MUA Undress Me Too Palette

I have got a review of one of my favourite palettes at the moment, that will even be put in my favourites this month that's how much I have been loving it. So lets see what I have to say about this palette.

Here is the palette, yes the packaging is pretty simple and it can break. But I'm not one too bothered when it comes to looking at the packaging, I really like that you can see the colours in the palette as well.

Right before I talk about how amazing the colours are. I do apologise for the two colours which have lines straight through them I was listening to my iPad when I was doing my makeup and I dropped it and that's what it was. But anyway other than my silly little mistake, these are so incredible shades as there are a few matte shades and some shimmer shades. I prefer the shimmery shades more than the mattes.

I have swatched the shades on my arm and here they are:
Naked, Devotion, Shy, Fiery, Lavish, Dreamy;
Tranquil, Exposed, Reveal, Wink, Obsessed, Corrupt
My favourite shades are fiery and wink because they have got such a beautiful colour for in the crease. I just love most shades because they have got such a beautiful colour to it.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Wishlist #106

This is my wishlist, lets see what I want this week.
Products Mentioned:
1. ELF - Studio - Medium Eyebrow Kit - £3.95
2. LYNX - Women's Spray - £1.63
3. Look - Statement Eyeshadow - Khaki - No price
4. Batiste - Dry Shampoo - Tropical - £2.99
5. Nail Files - Anywhere - No Price
Why I Want These Products?
1. ELF - Studio - Medium Eyebrow Kit - I always feel my eyebrows are disgusting,  but I think having a kit would be perfect because I really need to sort my eyebrows out. But ELF have the perfect colour for me I feel, for some reason my eyebrows are a horrible colour.
2. LYNX - Women's Spray -  I love the smell of beautiful lynx sprays. This smells beautiful and I think that this is something I would love to get. Its so pretty smelling as well.
3. Look - Statement Eyeshadow - Khaki - This looks beautiful but its very sad that Look beauty isn't sold anywhere now. This makes me annoyed because I really love this colour it is beautiful.
4. Batiste - Dry Shampoo - Tropical - I like trying new dry shampoo because my hair gets greasy pretty quickly at the back more than anything. So trying this would be cool and I have heard a lot about batiste shampoos.
5. Nail Files - I am always in need for a few nail files because you always need to file those pesky sharp nails. So this is something I think I need to get.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Haul | Eyes

This haul was supposed to be posted ages ago, but sadly I kept forgetting about it. So lets see the three eye products that I have got for you.

So I have two Makeup Revolution eyeshadows in the shades - I Want You and Sold Out. I just love having new eyeshadows. This is one of my favourite brands, I will do a review on these soon and shoe you my collection as I have a few more. Then I have a Models Own eyeliner which I got free when I was in the models own bottle shop which was really amazing. I just love models own but not sure about using eyeliners. Maybe I will give it ago.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

TAG | The Me Time TAG

I do love seeing a new tag popping up in my post feed. I just love seeing what people answer is that stupid probably yes. But anyway lets see what my me-time is like.

1. What do you like to watch or read during me-time?I am not really one to read books, I used to love reading. But I am currently reading 'the fault in the stars'. But I also love watching football for hours as well.

2. What do you wear during me-time?

Is it weird I just wear my normal clothes, I am not one to change clothes just because I am not one to get comfy.

3. What are your favourite me-time products?
My favourite me-time products is probably having a can of coke and watching TV as well. I am not one of those people that have to do something during me-time.

4. Current favourite nail polish?My current favourite nail polish is Tanya Burr - Penguin Chic which I currently have on at the moment. I just love this nail polish it is so beautiful shade, its gorgeous and I also love Tanya Burr.

5. What do you drink during me-time?
As I have previously said in a few questions before I like to have my can of coke. I am so fussy as I don't really drink tea only maybe if it was snowing, I feel coffee the smell is vile and hot chocolate isn't one for me.

6. Current favourite candle?
Probably a Yankee candle, I just love the Christmas smells. I only own two of these. Yankee candles are so gorgeous smelling and they have so many scents.

7. Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Not very often, I don't really go outside very often. So not really.

8. Would you ever go and watch a film alone?
Probably not, the cinema nearest to me is probably about 20 minutes away. I don't really like the thought of watching a film in a cinema on my own.

9. Favourite online shop?
I don't really have any favourite online shops to be honest. I just look at lots of shops online.

10. Anything to add? what else do you do during me- time?
I love painting my nails during me-time as well as deciding what nail art designs I can do on my nail wheel. I find that really relaxing.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Wishlist #105

Its wishlist time again, I just love it when it gets to this time of year because I want to get everything for Christmas. So maybe if there is anything you want then make sure you put on your wishlist.
Products Mentioned:
1. GOSH - Lip Gloss - Tea Rose - £7.99
2. GOSH - Nail Polish - Mysterious Mauve - £3.99
3. Miners - Lip Gloss - LuXe Lips Collection - Beauty Queen - £3.99
Why I Want These Products?
1. GOSH - Lip Gloss - Tea Rose - This lip gloss is such a gorgeous shade. I love tea rose lip gloss because I feel that this is the perfect colour for me and my skin tone. I also haven't tried anything from GOSH either so I think I will go and see what it is like.
2. GOSH - Nail Polish - Mysterious Mauve - I just love this polish shade, it is the perfect winter nail polish. Its such a gorgeous shade and I need to get this soon. It will be beautiful polish to add to my collection.
3. Miners - Lip Gloss - LuXe Lips Collection - Beauty Queen - This is just like a tea rose shade, I really like this one. It is a beautiful shade to wear and Miners have got a few good products that I have got and I really like the look of this lip gloss.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

NOTD | Nude Penguin

This is my NOTD, this is the Tanya Burr nail polish in Penguin Chic. I love this nail polish.

I love this nail polish, I have put two coats on the polish. I love Tanya Burr so when I saw that she was bringing out nail polish I knew I was going to buy some because I just love her and of course nail polish. I think I personally bought this because of the name. I just love that she made the names was something I thought was really good. I think I need every colour from this collection. I also really recommend them as they are amazing.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

2014 | October Favourites

Its favourites time, I have to admit I'm not as late as usual when I post favourites. So let me see what I have been loving this month. There isn't much this month that I have been loving.

Nail Art Designs - This month I have been really inspired by nail art. Probably because it was Halloween but I just love looking a lots of different instagram posts and pictures. I have been loving it and I will do another post on my animal nails. I love nail art it is so amazing to just search through designs that I can do.
Vaseline - Rosy Lips - I haven't been wearing many lip products, but seeing as it is getting colder I have been putting this on because it is such a gorgeous smell and I love using this.
ELF - Lip Exfoliator - I have been loving this, it is so good to take all those dead and gross skin of your lips. It has such a weird taste but I just love using this and it is something I will probably repurchase this once I finish it.
Collection - No Clumps Mascara - This has been one of my favourites mascaras, it makes your lashes look so long and that is defiantly what I want in my mascaras because my lases are so short and gross. I just love this mascara.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Wishlist #104

Its wishlist time again, I also apologise I haven't posted much this week. I just feel like I haven't got any inspiration on posts. So I have had a small little break. So next week I will have a few posts for you.

Products Mentioned:
1. ELF - HD Blush - Diva - £4.50
2. Collection - Milkshake - £1.99
3. GOSH - Nail Polish - Girls On Film - £3.99
4. GOSH - Nail Polish - High School Flirt - £3.99
5. Body Shop - Body Butter - Brazil Nut - £13.00
Why I Want These Products?
1. ELF - HD Blush - Diva - This looks lovely, I am sure we all have a different kind of blush like powder, cream or loose. Now this is incredible, I have never seen anything like this. I think that this might be too bright for me.
2. Collection - Milkshake - This polish looks beautiful and yes I sneakily have this as well. Its so creamy and it is a beautiful colour. I just love this colour and I cant wait to wear it again.
3. GOSH - Nail Polish - Girls On Film - This is such a gorgeous glitter, I just love glitter nail polishes as I just know they make the nail polish look amazing. I also haven't tried GOSH nail polish before so I need to try some soon.
4. GOSH - Nail Polish - High School Flirt - This is a beautiful off white nail polish colour. This is such a gorgeous shade and I love it. You never know when you need an off white nail polish because its always something you need in your collection.
5. Body Shop - Body Butter - Brazil Nut - I bet this smells gorgeous. But I am not sure if they even sell this anymore because it just looks amazing. So I may not know how this smells. I feel it was quite expensive for just a body butter.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

NOTD | Halloween

Its my NOTD and as it was Halloween yesterday I decided to do some Halloween nails. I have to say I am very impressed with myself if I don't say so myself.
This is my Frankenstein, I am not usually one to do anything with my nails for Halloween. But I decided to use a Frankenstein theme. I have used BeautyUK - Urban Jungle, this is such a gorgeous shade. I have used 2True which is in shade 39 and then I just have a French white nail polish, I really love this look and if you would like to have a look at the rest of my Halloween nail wheels then you can see them here.