Tuesday, 18 November 2014

TAG | The Me Time TAG

I do love seeing a new tag popping up in my post feed. I just love seeing what people answer is that stupid probably yes. But anyway lets see what my me-time is like.

1. What do you like to watch or read during me-time?I am not really one to read books, I used to love reading. But I am currently reading 'the fault in the stars'. But I also love watching football for hours as well.

2. What do you wear during me-time?

Is it weird I just wear my normal clothes, I am not one to change clothes just because I am not one to get comfy.

3. What are your favourite me-time products?
My favourite me-time products is probably having a can of coke and watching TV as well. I am not one of those people that have to do something during me-time.

4. Current favourite nail polish?My current favourite nail polish is Tanya Burr - Penguin Chic which I currently have on at the moment. I just love this nail polish it is so beautiful shade, its gorgeous and I also love Tanya Burr.

5. What do you drink during me-time?
As I have previously said in a few questions before I like to have my can of coke. I am so fussy as I don't really drink tea only maybe if it was snowing, I feel coffee the smell is vile and hot chocolate isn't one for me.

6. Current favourite candle?
Probably a Yankee candle, I just love the Christmas smells. I only own two of these. Yankee candles are so gorgeous smelling and they have so many scents.

7. Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Not very often, I don't really go outside very often. So not really.

8. Would you ever go and watch a film alone?
Probably not, the cinema nearest to me is probably about 20 minutes away. I don't really like the thought of watching a film in a cinema on my own.

9. Favourite online shop?
I don't really have any favourite online shops to be honest. I just look at lots of shops online.

10. Anything to add? what else do you do during me- time?
I love painting my nails during me-time as well as deciding what nail art designs I can do on my nail wheel. I find that really relaxing.

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